The particular climate of the area means that these two valleys being filled with snow every winter , often humid due to the proximity of the sea and latitude, which freezes easily turning every slope and ravine in a beautiful funfair for ice axes and crampons.
Every year the opportunity to climb on these slopes are renewed , and the watchful eyes of the mountaineers and insightful periodically discover new ascents , keeping alive the high interest in these mountains.
For more information on the conditions of the different channels of the snowpack or contact us at the shelter fixed or mobile phone to Max.
For stagione2013 - 2014 and refuge ' at your disposal to rent you MOUNTAINEERING material .
A few years ago ' my friend Alessandro Ielpi public ' a nice guide called GIOVO-RONDINAIO Proposte Alpinistiche Invernali , this guide included a fifty climbing routes that you can do in these areas, I would advise you to give us a look .... it takes a little ' to download the pdf , but I assure you it's worth it !
A bit 'of photos....
just to let you make 2 laughter, as my friend Nick ...