Due to their nature of boulders stuck, some are a bit ' difficult to protect with mattresses, so you should clearly identify how and where to place them.
This is the most popular website on the top of the valley, and the climate is conducive to the growth of lichens , so it is likely that most of the other face should be cleaned before a little ' .
This area with its boulders prestana the most imaginative variations and interpretations, so I will just illustralo without suggesting lines for which I'll let the fancy of boulderer to interpret them to your liking.
I can only say that as for the other problems we are a bit ' for everyone, so do not hesitate to do two more steps , if only for the beauty of the view that one has of the valley.
LOCATION: After the hallucinogenic mushroom climb another 3 minutes scollettando the grassy knoll to the Rondinaio.