Sector "Mushroom Hallucinogen"

He is the undisputed king of the blocks of the valley, with its large mushroom-shaped stone and its 6 feet and over in height, dominates the valley as a proud sentinel, still and safe waiting for someone who dares to challenge.

fungo allucinogenoStefano Nestiil tettino

 This block presents many opportunities to climb, and easy grip side leaning against the back, very challenging but very rewarding at the front, with a roof that is precisely the chapel of the fungus that requires good arms, security and good spotters.

Given the height, and the difficulties which are mostly concentrated in the steps out, you may want to try the lines with the top rope, where we put a bolt safety, or for the more purist and experts is equally can produce great stops on nuts into the slots summit.

LOCATION: over the lake we proceed to the summit of Rondinaio, and the valley before climbing a wheelie on the left you see a large pretend. 45 min from the shelter, 10 min from the previous blocks.

stefano sul fungoanche i bimbi riesconosulla parte pi semplice


Affacciato al Lago Santo