The Lake Baccio
The Lake Baccio is among the largest lakes in the Apennines in Province of Modena, after the famous Santo Lake.
And 'situated in a valley of high environmental value and note the various history buffs for the numerous archaeological finds in his pressi.L' origin of the water is still uncertain, it is assumed glacial.
It has a characteristic oval shape, unique in the Northern Apennines, his height and 'of 1554 meters above sea level, medium size reaches 5 feet deep in the center, but during the floods of autumn or the spring thaw the level of' water can also get up to about a couple of meters.
From the mirror of the river water comes Baccio, who, joining the ditch Fullback, is one of the major tributaries of the Rio Tagliole.
Of great beauty, as you can 'see from the photos, and' one of the pearls to visit and should not miss in your trip to visit us.
A beautiful photo taken by my friend Marco, October 2014